

九课节 & 2023年圣诞颂歌

Groton is committed to nurturing the traditions of all students, regardless of their spirituality, depth of religious experience, 或教育. Groton warmly welcomes and supports people of any faith.
Though founded in the Episcopal tradition and still affiliated with the Episcopal Church, Groton has broadened its religious and spiritual offerings and meets the needs of a varied family. St. John's Chapel invites all community members to explore and deepen their spirituality, whether through quiet meditation, 传统的祈祷, 或是一段美妙的音乐.

在四个工作日的早晨, the school begins its day with a Chapel service; this morning respite strengthens the sense of community and offers stillness and reflection before a busy day. Many find their time in Chapel among their most cherished daily moments at Groton, 一段舒适的时光, 挑战, 和平, 和复兴.


The weekday Chapel program is led by our chaplain, 圣公会牧师, and the 精神生活 prefects, who represent our various religious traditions. 教堂 strives to be inviting, 包容, and a safe place in which to strengthen the foundation of the community.

A typical weekday service opens with prayer, followed by a short reading that reflects anything from the speaker’s religious tradition to a favorite novel. Next, a student, faculty member, alumna/us, or guest delivers a Chapel talk. 是否有趣, 富有洞察力的, 具有挑战性的, 和动人的, the talks provide a window to a deeper presence that daily routines sometimes obscure. The weekday service concludes with communal singing, 常作赞美诗, sometimes followed by musical postludes performed by students.

Students are required to attend a weekend service each week; they choose among the services offered that best fit their own tradition or ethos. Many students from various Christian denominations attend a Sunday service in the Episcopal tradition at St. 约翰的教堂. Jewish students often choose to observe a Friday evening Sabbath service; Muslim students gather in prayer and study; Hindu students gather for and study; Buddhist students (and many who consider themselves spiritual but not religious) find quiet time for meditation during a weekly sangha; and many Roman Catholic students attend Mass at the local parish.
    • 教堂

      A Henry Vaughan Gothic Revival masterpiece, St. 约翰的教堂 hosts weekday and Sunday services, as well as a number of concerts and seasonal services throughout the year. 教堂 also is home to a notable Aeolian Skinner pipe organ and tower bells that attract bell-ringers from around the world, as well as the school's own student bell-ringers.


Spiritual life has been an intrinsic part of a Groton education since the school’s founding. Today, while the approach has evolved, the importance of spirituality remains. 易胜博app安卓下载, like all schools in the Episcopal tradition, understands that spiritual life and practice remain at the heart of being human," said School Chaplain Allison Read, "and that student well-being and wholeness depend on growing awareness and attention to religious practices and spiritual heritage他们自己的和别人的."  
"You don't have to believe in a certain religion, but you can't walk into that building without feeling that there is something larger than yourself."


Chapel talks cover a broad array of topics, 既轻松又严肃, 历史和时事, 哲学和幽默. The content is up to the speaker. Chapel talks are given mostly by Sixth Formers, 同时也包括教职工, 工作人员, 校友, 受托人, 和客人.

Chapel talks allow our entire community to reflect, as individuals, on topics that may affect us all. 会谈期间, we sometimes ponder large and 具有挑战性的 questions; often these morning talks inspire thoughtful conversation and debate long afterward. Students learn that fundamental questions posed in a spiritual setting are not confined to a chapel, or to courses in biblical studies or ethics, but are instead meant to be considered over the course of a lifetime.



教训 & 颂歌

九课节 & 颂歌, presented yearly at Groton since 1929, originated in England in 1880. It was revised and expanded by the 工作人员 of King's College, Cambridge and presented in its current format in 1918 (partially honoring those killed in the First World War). Students, regardless of their own religious customs, embrace 教训 & 颂歌 for its beauty and its window onto the history and tradition of 易胜博app安卓下载.

It is thought that Twining Lynes, Groton's first organist and choirmaster, heard one of the earlier services in 1918 and instituted it at Groton years later. The service’s original intention, to show the development of the loving purpose of God from Creation to the incarnation through the reading of lessons and the singing of carols, 仍然是今天.